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York Evening Meetings

7pm for 7.30pm start 

Venue: Mallard Suite NRM York 

Do you live near York?

Have you used ZOOM before?

Would you be able to spend an evening helping at the NRM please?

At our York monthly evening meetings, we are planning to have a ‘physical’ meeting but also include members across the country (and beyond) with ZOOM.

To do this, David Thomas, our ‘Master of Ceremonies’ at the meetings, needs somebody to look after the ZOOM side, admitting attendees as they dial-in and monitoring any questions coming through the ‘chat’ feature.  Full training will be given!

The meetings are usually the second Tuesday of the month, September to April except December, and take about three hours – an hour to set up, an hour to hour and a half for the talk and then half an hour to put the kit away, so roughly 6.30pm to 9.30pm.

You will not be expected to speak at the meetings (unless you want to!)

If you’d be available for any of the dates (see the list of talks below), please phone the office or drop an email to

Thank you

2025 Evening meetings


Tuesday 11 February 2025                200 years of the Industrial Railway                                                                                                                                           Anthony Coulls

Looking at the non-passenger railways in industrial applications across the UK, all gauges and locations – collieries to china clay, ports to peat extraction.


Tuesday 11 March 2025  Two Centuries of Locomotive Development in the North-East                                                                                                                       Chris Nettleton

Pictures from the NRM archives and other collections, including film of the 1925 Stockton & Darlington Railway Centenary cavalcade and the exhibition at Faverdale Works.

Tuesday 8 April 2025              Keeping Track                                           Colin Brading

Beginning by looking at very early forms of track, including that used on the Stockton & Darlington, this presentation will trace the evolution of permanent way to the present day. It will show how track construction and working methods have changed over two centuries in response to operational needs and, at times, to lessons learned the hard way. Although these developments have had a profound effect on the life of the  ‘platelayer’ over the years, the fundamental task of keeping the track in fine fettle remains the imperative it has always been.

Our Past Events





January 2025 Meeting - Engineering the change from waggonway to main line railway with Hugh Fenwick
2025 is the bicentenary year for the opening of the Stockton & Darlington Railway (S&DR) on 27 September 1825. The first presentation for the FNRM’s 2025 lecture programme on Tuesday 14 January in the Mallard Suite at the National Railway Museum was “Engineering the change from waggonway to main line railway”, by FNRM Trustee Hugh Fenwick.

The presentation described some of the most significant engineering achievements that created the main line railway between 1800 and 1850. It started with the wooden waggonways of the northeast coalfields and concluded with construction of the Royal Border Bridge on the Newcastle & Berwick Railway that was the final link in the first continuous main line railway between London and Edinburgh on the east side of the country. Queen Victoria officially opened the Royal Border Bridge in August 1850, making 2025 also the 175th anniversary of that historic event.

Development of the steam locomotive was an essential requirement for the concept of main line railways. Authorisation by Parliament for the S&DR to operate with locomotives was a major step forward in delivering the concept. Its construction was the catalyst that encouraged the promoters of the Liverpool & Manchester Railway (L&MR) to go forward with their enterprise, the first main line railway. The L&MR required both major civil engineering works and the production of more powerful and reliable locomotives than the cumbersome colliery engines of the time. The Rainhill Trials of 1829, arranged to determine whether the L&MR should operate using stationary engines and rope haulage or risk using locomotives, were the stimulus that led to the design of the first main line locomotive, Robert Stephenson’s Rocket. Civil engineering challenges for the L&MR included the first railway tunnel beneath a metropolis, the crossing of the notorious Chat Moss bog and the 70ft. (21m.) deep Olive Mount cutting through solid rock. The L&MR was double track throughout, the first to have passenger and freight stations, a rudimentary signalling system, and trains running to a timetable. 

The London & Birmingham Railway (L&BR) followed quickly. It was the first main line railway built into the centre of London. The L&BR and The Grand Junction Railway were both authorised in 1833. Together they joined the capital with Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool. The L&BR at 112 miles long, was the largest railway approved by Parliament. It was built with high speed curves and gentle gradients (1 in 330) requiring massive cuttings and embankments. It required innovative engineering solutions for bridges and tunnels illustrated in the presentation through splendid lithographic prints by J C Bourne, published in 1839. Kilsby Tunnel, the most formidable task in building the railway, required massive steam pumps to deal with water that flooded the workings and delayed completion of the line by 6 months. 

Construction of the Chester & Holyhead Railway was used to provide examples of how building main line railways stretched the bounds of engineering knowledge. This resulted in the collapse of a bridge over the River Dee at Chester with loss of life, reconstruction of sea walls where the railway had to contend with the destructive power of the sea, and the design of tubular girders large enough for trains to pass through for the crossing of the Menai Strait to Anglesey.

The presentation ended with a summary of construction of the two most difficult bridges on the Newcastle & Berwick Railway, the High Level Bridge over the Tyne and the Royal Border Bridge over the Tweed. These were needed to connect railways already built from the south to Gateshead with the North British Railway’s Edinburgh to Berwick line. The High Level Bridge with three railway tracks on an upper deck and a highway and footpaths below was the first double-deck railway bridge. The High Level Bridge and the magnificent 28-span Royal Border Bridge required piers to be built within cofferdams in the river and with foundations on timber piles installed using one of the first steam pile drivers. Difficulties in driving the piles delayed completion of these bridges leading to the Caledonian Railway between Carlisle and Edinburgh reaching Edinburgh before completion of the Berwick & Newcastle. The opening of the Royal Border Bridge in 1850 was the final act in completing a continuous railway between London and Edinburgh on the east side of the country and was for this presentation considered to be the point at which engineering the change from waggonway to main line railway had largely been accomplished.




Wednesday 11 December 2024             Christmas Films and Buffet Dinner                                Rob Foxon

Railways Remembered  - Towards Railway 200                 


Development of the National Railway System

Booking details to be in the Autumn issue of the Review



Tuesday 12 November 2024                 So, how does one run a freight train?                                Mike Hogg


Picture an intermodal train under way. Mike will consider the many factors that go into the running of such a train, taking in the initial customer requirement (unlike passenger trains, no customer need = no train runs), the factors that need to be costed into the proposition including rolling stock and locomotive costs, cost of track access, electric traction costs and diesel costs, trains in the working timetable vs those worked under short term planning, arranging for access to the Network, terminals/private sidings, loading of the train, the various factors covered in 'train preparation' by ground-staff in ensuring safe passage of the train, releasing of the train to TOPS, TOPS Direct, GPS tracking, running schedules, driver supply, training, diagramming and rostering, control/real time monitoring and interface with Network Rail, delivery of product/load.


Tuesday 8 October 2024             Tyne & Wear Metro : Behind the Scenes           Richard Bourne

 An insight into some of the rolling stock-related issues dealt with before and after public services began.


Tuesday 17 September 2024                   Origins of a Museum                            Richard Barber

A personal view on, why York and Shildon, how the railway museums came about and how you fill a building once you have built one.

Saturday 13th July 2024  - Christian Wolmar

Author of Fire and Steam, Broken Rails, Railways and the Raj. ​"The Liberation Line, the story of the railwaymen who rebuilt the lines in France and beyond after D-Day."

12 March 2024       Getting the Railway Off the Ground - the Liverpool Overhead Railway       Colin Brading

Just seven miles from end to end, the Liverpool Overhead Railway was a truly pioneering venture with unique character. From its inception, through innovative construction methods and the application of technological 'firsts' in its operation, the railway helped to transform the very nature of urban rail travel far beyond the city that it served so well for more than sixty years. In the end, its demise was probably inevitable, but the nickname 'The Dockers' Umbrella' gives a clue as to the great affection in which it was held.

9 April 2024    Transpennine Route Upgrade - Investing in the North       Adam Sellers and Philip Bates

Taking the opportunity to set out what transformational change the Transpennine Route Upgrade will bring to the railway between Manchester - York via Leeds, what has been delivered so far and what can be expected in the short, medium and long term outlook of the programme

13 February 2024    Locomotives of the London and South Western Railway        John Stanton



John Stanton's talk was entitled, 'Locomotives of the London and South Western Railway', and aimed to present an overview of the development of steam locomotion from the beginnings of the of the 'London and Southampton Railway', through to the grouping of 1923, when it became a major constituent of the Southern Railway. Locomotives covered included the earliest 2-2-2 Singles purchased from various manufacturers, and some of those designed by successive Locomotive Superintendents and built at the Nine Elms, from John Viret Gooch, the 2-4-0s of Joseph Beattie, and the 4-4-0s of William Adams, to the designs of Dugald Drummond and 4-6-0s of Robert Urie. Several locomotives described are those which have survived and were been preserved as part of the National Collection. Others were mentioned in relation to models or nameplates that are on display in the museums at York or at Shildon.


Locomotion heading the S&DR’s first train on 27 September 1825

Rocket at Rainhill Bridge, by Alan Fearnley

Tring cutting 17 June 1837, by J C Bourne

Pumps for draining the Kilsby Tunnel, by J C Bourne

Floating the second tubular girder into position across the Menai Strait

The High Level Bridge, by John Wilson Carmichael

The Royal Border Bridge, Berwick-upon-Tweed

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Joseph Beattie ‘Falcon’ Class 2-4-0, ‘Shark’ approx 1/24 scale
SMG Object No. 1975 -7967
  - a crude possibly contemporary wooden model, c.1868, ex-Southern Railway collection, Cat. No. F2, prototype built December 1867 at Nine Elms and broken up 1895.

Joseph Beattie’s‘Lion’ Class 0-6-0 Goods Locomotive No.092, ‘Charon’ built 5/1867 
Nameplate, SMG Object No. 1975-7584 The only surviving nameplate of a LSWR locomotive from the Victorian period.


‘Southampton’ by Summers, Groves & Day, 1837
SMG Object 1896-87   Built at Millbrook Foundry, Southampton
Model by John Dawson, District Supt, Northam locomotive shed, London & Southampton Railway 
  -as it appeared at Brass Steel and Fire exhibition, at the NRM September 2019.

The Grouping of 1923: before and after with emphasis on the north east

John Addyman

The history of British railways from 1830 to the present day could have been very different if the government had controlled the building of railways, and allowed steam-driven road transport to develop at the same pace as railway locomotives were. Even by 1840 railway building was in chaos, for example; just in County Durham two railways had gone bankrupt and three were incapable of financing the completion of their approved routes. Had some control been exercised then the ‘railway mania’ would not have happened and many unprofitable competing lines would never have been built. Until 1920 the government was incapable of deciding whether competition or amalgamation was best for the country. The railways had been under state control from August 1914 until August 1921. After this only 23 of the 170 companies, in mainland Britain, were making a profit of over £100,000 per annum, and the government eventually realized that many railway companies were in wasteful competition with each other and they had permitted the building of many unprofitable routes. Grouping 120 independent railways into four became the chosen solution with the former deputy-general manager of the NER being in charge as the first minister of transport. The LNER, LMSR, SR, and GWR became the chosen groups. However, competing routes were not eliminated and few unprofitable branch lines or stations were closed. The global recession of the 1930s and the rise of road transport really hit the railways hard. The North Eastern Area of the LNER was the worst hit with many heavy industries going on to ‘short-time’ or closing completely, and the demand for coal dropping by 25%. With the outbreak of war in 1939 the railways again came under government control. After the war the railways were in a sorry state, and nationalization was the option chosen by the Labour government. Railway profitability continued to decline resulting in the Marples/Beeching cuts being implemented. If the government had exercised control over the building of railways, as other countries did, we could have had a trim, viable system that did not need cuts or government subsidies.

Signalling Eurostar

Chris McCandless-Stone


In February, we embarked upon a 605km high speed journey from London St Pancras International to Amsterdam Centraal via the Channel Tunnel. Along the way we encountered the myriad of signalling systems found on the Eurostar fleet to allow the journey to seamless operate across the 4 countries. From lights on sticks and basic protection systems such as KVB / TBL through to full in-cab signalling with TVM-430 and ETCS Level 2 allowing the train to reach 300 km/h (186mph) safely and with the driver not necessarily having to look out of the windscreen!! The usual 4h journey took us just over an hour with a look at the technical differences and similarities between the signalling systems and their evolutions across each of the networks. Those on-board were amazed a just how complicated the on-board systems were but equally impressed that the train and its crew can seamless manage the various transitions without disturbance to the passengers.



Conditions of Carriage 

Colin Brading

Colin is a regular presenter at our meetings, and for this season's talk, Colin looked at carriages and how they have evolved over many decades.  What we take for granted about rail travel today has been a long time in the making. This presentation took us back to the dawn of the age, when railway carriage design was simply borrowed from the old stagecoaches and the prevailing social hierarchy was rigorously maintained in the quality of accommodation. The only difference was that instead of travelling on the roof with the guard and the luggage, third class passengers were consigned to miserable open trucks. The Great Western even called them ‘goods train passengers’!

   Progress was painfully slow, and the railway companies often had to be forced into improving safety and the conditions of travel. Shamefully, and not until after many tragic accidents, even the provision of continuous automatic brakes was not achieved until mandated by legislation in 1889. Even then, third class passengers still sat on hard wooden benches in four and six wheeled vehicles.

However, some companies were more far-sighted. In the 1870s the Midland shocked its competitors by abandoning 2nd class, upgrading 3rd to a much higher quality and introducing the first standard gauge bogie carriages in Britain. These luxurious vehicles, built by Pullman in the USA and assembled in Derby, raised the quality of rail travel to new heights, but they were not universally acclaimed. The public was wedded to the idea of compartments and disliked Pullman’s open carriages, while some engineers (such as Webb and Stirling) opposed the idea of bogie vehicles.

   Colin showed how the railways developed carriages of all shapes and sizes to cope with ever increasing demand in urban areas, to meet economic pressures and to deliver great improvements in passenger amenities. By the turn of the century, it was possible to enjoy heating and lighting and to eat and sleep on trains too. Some truly opulent carriages were produced at the beginning of the 20th century and the LNWR and GWR built some that gave the famous Pullman brand very strong competition.  

   Unfortunately, time pressures prevented proper coverage of the later stages of carriage development such as Gresley articulation, electrification, the streamliners of the 1930s and the design of a standard coach for the newly nationalized industry.    

   The BR Mark 1 coach not only served Britain’s railways well from 1950 onwards, but as they were withdrawn they became the mainstay for many heritage railway fleets.  Veterans themselves, corrosion problems are making them an increasing maintenance liability and Colin suggested that older carriages offer enormous potential to railways that must do everything possible to attract visitors and capture their imagination. It’s difficult to resist a cream tea in a genuine saloon once used regularly by Queen Victoria!

   Over 1100 pre-nationalisation coaches exist, almost 60% of those pre-dating the 1923 Grouping. Preservation and restoration of such vehicles poses many challenges, nearly always requires large budgets and can take years of effort. The passion, ingenuity and dedication of carriage restorers is evidenced by superb examples of their skills, the length and breadth of the country.

Many more vehicles remain in the queue, in sheds and under tarpaulins, awaiting their turn to carry passengers and to turn heads once again. Such carriages have great stories to tell and we owe a great debt of thanks to all those who rescue, rebuild, restore and run them. Quite simply, without them our heritage railways would be infinitely poorer.




The History of Stephenson's Newcastle factory

Hugh Fenwick


Hugh is a FNRM Council Member. During his working life he was a career railway civil engineer involved with the design, construction, maintenance and renewal of railway civil engineering infrastructure in the UK and abroad. Being a north-eastern lad, he was always an admirer of the achievements of Robert and George Stephenson. Presently, he is vice-chairman of The Robert Stephenson Trust, the principal aim of which is to make todays and future generations aware of the achievements of Robert and George, their associates, and their contribution to modern society.

The talk described how the firm Robert Stephenson & Co. (RS&Co.), the world’s first locomotive factory, came to be. It outlined the company’s role in establishing the principles of locomotive design that endured for more than a century. It summarised their successes, challenges and the diversity of products manufactured at the Forth Banks works, Newcastle, from its founding in 1823 until closure in 1902, when the business moved to a new factory at Darlington. The 23rd of June 2023 will be the bicentenary of the founding of the company and the presentation was aimed at promoting awareness of that historic event.

Products of the works included the pioneering Locomotion that hauled the first train at the opening of the Stockton & Darlington Railway in 1825 and the famous Rocket that won the Liverpool & Manchester Railway’s Rainhill Trials in 1829. The Planet locomotive, built in 1930 for the Liverpool & Manchester, effectively set the template for all future steam locomotive design. RS&Co. built the locomotives for the opening of the first section of the GWR, between Paddington and Maidenhead in 1838. Brunel wrote of North Star: “We have a splendid engine of Stephenson’s. It would be a beautiful ornament in the most elegant drawing room”. Who would argue with that?

Locomotives were built for railways across the world. The first locomotives on the American continent were shipped from Newcastle in 1828, the first on the African continent in 1852 and the first in New South Wales, Australia in 1854.

From the 1870s the company’s fortunes began to flounder as railway companies opened workshops to build their own locomotives and there was increasing competition from other British locomotive builders with more spacious sites to develop production line manufacture. Despite diversification into marine engines, ships boilers, bridge fabrication and stationary engines for collieries, the company had to close the Newcastle works in1902, having built more than 3000 engines, and move to a new purpose built factory at Darlington. Locomotive manufacture under the name of Robert Stephenson continued there for more than 60 years with the last locomotive leaving the Darlington factory in 1964.

The L&Y in BR Days

Noel Coates

(Treasurer, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Society)

In 105 PowerPoint slides he tried to show what had happened to L&Y steam locos in the 21 years between 1948 and 1967 when the last Railtour ran from Wardleworth to Whitworth using a preserved ‘Pug’. Dealing first with early renumbering and repainting, Noel went on to show photographs from the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s before dealing with some of the more esoteric events such as sludge tenders and working elsewhere in Britain. He went on to explain how the five surviving L&Y locos outside the National Collection had managed, through sheer luck, to make it to the present day. The emphasis was very much mechanical engineering as there are still plenty of civil engineering features around and still performing their original function to this day. The final section ‘Thank goodness for a photographer’ had some more strange happenings including a final slide of the four working survivors on the last train out of Bury on October 16th 2022 – a quadruple header and you don’t get many of those'.


SNCB (Belgium) classic lineside signal with in the 4’ ETCS eurobalise, TBL antenna and Memor crocodile ramp for on-board safety systems

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The chaotic state of railway development in County Durham by 1840. Two railways already bankrupt, and three unable to fund their approved routes

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A typical late 1820s steam carriage which, if allowed to develop, could have rendered a number of branch lines unnecessary.

Sir Eric Campbell Geddes (1875-1937) the first minister of transport and architect of the railway grouping.


In-cab signalling TVM430 drivers display showing a permitted linespeed of 320 km/h

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SNCF (France) classic lineside signal with KVB antenna and BRS crocodile ramps in the 4’ for on-board safety systems


TVM block section marker (repere) at Stratford International on HS1 with a replacement signal head to allow for passing of the N (non passable) marker in the case of cab signalling failure

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Isle of Wight Railway Carriage No. 10 dating from 1864 and built by the Oldbury Carriage & Wagon Co.

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LNWR 12 wheel 1st Class Dining Saloon, part of Royal Trains from 1905 - 1966. Preserved at Quainton Rd..

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NER Petrol-Electric Autocar No. 3170. Built 1903, restored and operational at Embsay.

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Gresley Open Third, built 1934. At the Severn Valley Railway.

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National Collection MR 12 wheel 3rd Class Dining Saloon, built 1914. Pictured at Kings Cross on the occasion of the BR Centenary of On-Train Dining in 1979

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“Locomotion” hauling the first train on the Stockton & Darlington Railway, September 1825.

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Robert Stephenson & Co. “North Star” built for the GWR in 1838.

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A RS & Co. locomotive crossing Robert Stephenson’s High Level Bridge, Newcastle.

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Robert Stephenson & Co. business card showing the diversity of their manufactured products.

The birth of the railtour, 50865 on the joint SLS/MLS railtour of closed branches in the West Riding on 5 May 1951, starting from Huddersfield they did Kirkburton, Rishworth and Stainland in one afternoon.

The location is Sowerby Bridge loco shed c.1954 when it was re-roofed.


A reminder of shed bashing and one from Horwich with a diesel shunter (12004) being tried out whilst 11324 awaits its next duty.

The National Collection
Anthony Coulls

Amongst other responsibilities, Anthony is in charge of the NRM’s vehicle collection.  He gave a very comprehensive presentation on how the collection started, from the 1950s British Transport Commission ‘Historic Relics’ (Clapham and York Queen Street museums) through the Transport Act (1968) which proposed the NRM to the opening of NRM in September 1975.

“History doesn’t stop” as museums add more to their collections.  No museum can display everything it holds and some items get neglected, eg. an 1889 tank wagon acquired in 1961 has just gone for restoration to Newcastle College.  The RHDAB (Rail Heritage Designation Advisory Board) now administers what comes to NRM and other heritage railways.  NRM gets offered many items but “just how many lever frames do you need” Anthony asked.  We can’t keep everything so Pacer 142 is ‘representative’ of Pacers 140/1/2/3/4.  A class 91 is coming soon.  Previously under BR, NRM could ‘claim’ whatever is wanted at no cost, but privatisation stopped this.

The collection is dynamic; vehicles come and go, sometimes controversially.  But GWR 2-8-0 no. 2818 is now proudly displayed at STEAM (Swindon) and the T3 4-4-0 is now being restored at Swanage.  Although the only two-cylinder outside cylinder 4-4-0 we have, we have seven other 4-4-0s!  Other organisations have facilities, time and money to do what the NRM can’t.  Green Arrow is now at DANUM Museum (Doncaster).  We loan operational vehicles as we don’t have room to use them, eg. Class 37 now at GCR.  Recipients of vehicles pay for transport to and from their site, with road transport being preferable.  Transfer by rail is very expensive and troublesome (finding paths and having to pass safety checks) whereas a road transfer can be done without pathing issues and often at night.  They’re much easier to plan and execute, although Flying Scotsman will never be road-transferred!  Flying Scotsman is of course our flagship operational loco, and at the time of speaking, had just received its certificate of fitness and was heading to Kings Cross to start the centenary celebration year.  

Anthony covered all aspects of how the collection is managed, even though the vehicles represent just 0.0014% of the collection (we have 10,000s of photos!) and with over a quarter of an hour of questions afterwards, it’s a subject close to FNRM members’ hearts. 


Part of the National Collection in the superb surroundings of the Great Hall at the NRM, York

East Midlands Railways Oral Histories
John Swanwick


John Swanwick’s talk on East Midlands Oral Histories proved technically challenging and we were not able to put this on with both a physical audience and Zoom.


During the period 2015-17 there was a plan to build a new railway museum at Belgrave and Birstall, known on the present Great Central Railway as ‘Leicester North’.  In the event the project has been mothballed but not before a considerable amount of planning was done and oral histories recorded, covering those who worked on, travelled on, or were generally involved with, the old GCR route through the East Midlands before its closure in the 1960s.  These recordings amount to over 50 hours and are now safely in the archive of the NRM and the East Midlands Oral History Archive at Leicester University.


John’s talk began with an overview of the Great Central route and how its construction was photographed by Sydney Newton whose many images are also archived.  The route passed through the cities of Nottingham and Leicester, together with a number of other settlements in the East Midlands.  Three Motive Power Depots (MPDs) serviced the locomotives used and each had a quite different origin.  Annesley in Nottinghamshire was in a coal mining district with a plentiful supply of railway labour, Leicester Central was in the middle of a growing industrial city, and Woodford Halse in Northants, was not much more than a hamlet before the GCR arrived, with a consequent shortage of labour.


John played extracts of several recordings from footplate men from all three MPDs, showing what the work involved and how their lives were entwined with surrounding communities.  The loyalty to the route was very apparent and its closure both controversial and emotional.


John discussed techniques for collecting oral histories, the tracking down of interviewees and handling the actual interviews.  Several members of the audience added their own reflections along with suggestions for more recordings before those who remember working on the line are gone.


Oral history has its place in the documenting of railway history more generally but the human side of railway life came out strongly in John’s recordings creating an interesting and engaging talk.


Annesley MPD c.1963/4.  An abundance (or whatever the collective name is) of 9Fs…and a diesel shunter.  Note the aerial ropeway across the site transporting spoil from Annesley pit to the pit tip.   (Photo Chris Ward)


Annesley pit was adjacent to the MPD to the west with the aerial ropeway marked on this 1967 OS map across the south western edge of the MPD to the tips just to the south.  Courtesy:

The Rebuilding of Sir Nigel Gresley 
Darrin Crone  

Darrin covered the move to York from Grosmont, then described the dismantling, refurbishment and reassembly of the engine. He indicated the complexity of skills and facilities available for the work and gave reasons for putting various components out for contractor overhaul including the boiler and wheelsets. He described the value of using the NRM workshop and volunteer labour for the project.




Changes to the rail services in South Wales
Colin Brading

Colin Brading, is a regular speaker at our winter series, he gave a lavishly illustrated talk on changes to rail services in South Wales.  Looking at the history of the valley lines from mass coal production to the decline of industries in the 1960s, Colin is working on revitalising the passenger services in the lines leading down to Cardiff.

   Colin also posed the question as to what this apparatus was for; answers ranged from "something for pigeons to sit on" to "a line for hanging out the crew's washing".

   The answer of course was somewhat technical:- 

Data from "Tank Locomotive for the Taff Vale Railway", Engineering, Volume 39 (27 March 1885), pp. 266, 312-314.

   T Hurry Riches served for years as the TVR's locomotive superintendent and from the start seems to have sought the best performance from all of his locomotives. Better known for a long string of 0-6-2T engines, the TVR built this trio four-coupled with bogie tanks in 1884-1885.

Riches adopted a "special form" of blast orifice that may have been unique. The orifice opening could be enlarged by 1/2" (12.7 mm) and shortened by "a couple of inches." He reported that experiments showed that "this blast has enabled goods engines to work at a reduction of fuel of as much as 4 lb to 5 lb per mile compared to the ordinary form of blast.

180 photos taken in 1962/3 as steam was being withdrawn
Brian Holland

Brian Holland, assisted by his technician Michael Chapman, shared some 180 photos taken in 1962/3 as steam was being withdrawn.  Travelling all over the UK, the range of topics covered was superb.  With what seemed like an encyclopaedic knowledge of every detail of every image, he enthralled us with date, day, what he was doing and even why he'd gone there to take each picture.  The four examples here are but just a snippet of the 'journey' Brian took us on in those far off days.  Superb!

Top left is Jubilee 45669 Fisher, at Nuneaton on 25.9.62 as overhead catenary is being constructed.  Steam locos would soon have an ugly yellow stripe across their cab sides to denote whether they could operate under wires.

Top right is O2 63977 at York with a train of oil wagons.  Didn't steam locos have to have a barrier wagon when pulling inflammable tankers?

Lower left is unnamed Britannia 70047  double-heading with diesel 10000 at Bletchley.

Lower right.  No review of the end of steam would be complete without a scrapline view, and here 0-4-2 5815 awaits its end at Swindon. 


Holding the line: Female Railway Workers in WW2
Susan Major

Susan Major gave a fascinating talk, together with audio clips about Female Railway Workers in WW II, which featured the voices of women recorded by the Friends of the National Railway Museum, discussing their wartime railway experiences. During World War II women took on railway roles which were completely new to females. They worked as porters and guards, on the permanent way, and in maintenance and workshop operations. Many were working in ‘men’s jobs’, or working with men for the first time, and these interviews offer tantalising glimpses of conditions, sometimes under great danger. Her talk included women working in the York area: Betty Chalmers was a telephonist when York Station was bombed, and Nellie Nelson was a porter there.  Guard Gladys Garlick helped bring a train to a stop after a V2 had blown a huge hole in the track (V2 flying bomb that is....not a Gresley 2-6-2!).

LNER Guard Gladys Garlick and colleagues Rita and Irene at Bowes Park 1942-43 (National Railway Museum/ Science & Society Picture Library)


A GWR wartime travelling porter (University of Leicester Special Collections)

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Sue's talk - Gladys Garlick and colleagu
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