Step 2: complete the form below, and "submit" this to us.
Step 3: select the appropriate payment - bottom of this page - to complete your payment for membership (through our FNRM shop)
Step 2: complete the form below, and "submit" this to us.
Step 3: select the appropriate payment - bottom of this page - to complete your payment for membership (through our FNRM shop)
Telephone: 01904 636874
This page is for Membership renewals only. If you are looking to JOIN FNRM, please click here
* Reminder: Renewal prices will be changing from January 2025
Online renewal
To renew you current membership of FNRM just choose the appropriate membership category below.
Payment can then be made, via PayPal, using any credit/debit card or your own PayPal account.
If you are changing your category of membership - for example from Junior to Ordinary, please go the page for "Joining" and complete the online form here
Full membership (ordinary) £30.00
Full membership (unwaged/retired) £24.00
Junior membership (under 18) £11.00
Family membership
Retired Couple membership £32.00

Renewal by Bank Transfer
or Standing Order
Our preferred method for electronic renewals of membership is through this website, by card payment or PayPal.
However, if you prefer to renew your membership of FNRM by bank transfer, or wish to set up a standing order for annual payment, please contact the office who will assist in setting these up.
Phone: 01904 636874
Postal renewal
If you prefer to renew you current membership of FNRM by post and cheque, please use the form you received by post with your renewal reminder.
The Friends of the NRM
Leeman Road
York YO26 4XJ